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Strengthening Our Faith Together

Faith is at the heart of the Knights of Columbus. At Mother Seton Council 5381,

The Rosary: A Knight’s Weapon of Faith

The Rosary is a powerful tool for spiritual growth. Our council gathers every first Saturday

Lent: A Journey of Renewal

Lent is a sacred season for reflection, penance, and renewal. Our council invites you to

Family Day at St. Matthias

Please bring your family and friends to our annual Family Day! Enjoy food, games, and

Lanham Clean-Up Day: Together We Shine

Join us for a community clean-up day as we work to beautify Lanham’s streets and

Celebrating 50 Years of Brotherhood

Mother Seton Council 5381 is celebrating 50 years of service to Lanham! Please mark your

Upcoming Fish Fry Fridays

Get ready for our famous Fish Fry Fridays during Lent! Enjoy delicious meals, connect with

Grand Knight’s Annual Gala

Join us for an evening of elegance and purpose at the Grand Knight’s Annual Gala.

Youth Soccer Challenge Success

Our Youth Soccer Challenge brought together children and families for a day of fun and

Serving Our Veterans

Mother Seton Council honors our veterans through care packages and visits to local VA hospitals.

Volunteering at St. Matthias School

Knights of Columbus members recently volunteered at St. Matthias School, assisting with classroom activities and

Supporting Pro-Life Causes

Our council actively participates in pro-life marches and supports pregnancy resource centers. Stand with us